If we all work together we can achieve our dreams. So step one has to be what are our dreams?
As creators, I think we all want to work on making comics full time. So my first thought is why don’t I get a job as a comic book artist? Well, easier said than done. So I need to build a portfolio. Make some comics. Start showing off my work. Start knocking on big publisher’s doors.
Stepping back I realized that since I was already making comics, just for the fun of it. I might be able to short cut the process and just publish them myself. So I started off shrinking down my full size comic book pages to fit into a mini comic book. 5-1/2 x 8-1/2 folded and stapled and 'printed' B&W on a photocopier. That is a fairly simple and inexpensive method of printing a comic book. And I was able to put my comic book into the reader’s hands.
Since I made my black and white art to the correct size, I can still have it colored and send it of to the printer to have them make some color glossy comic books for me. I’d still have to invest my money into printing these, but I’d have them on hand to sell at conventions or off my website.
Next I looked into making a digital copy. It was fairly easy to make a .PDF file that I could e-mail to people. And I can make as many copies as I need for free.
I’m happy to share what I know with anyone that is making comics. So I intend to start adding some tutorials in the wiki. If you’d like to share your knowledge, please join us.